Monday, October 25, 2010

Post about Pumpkin Pickin' (with Pictures!)

This past weekend the three of us took a family trip to a little garden store down the street to get some pumpkins.  And, you know, get in the Fall/Halloween spirit and stuff.  You can see that Miri was really in the spirit.

Here's some stuff we saw:
Here are the obligatory photos we took when we got home of dogs and babies with pumpkins.  It can't get much more adorable than that, folks!

And here's where all our hard work paid off.  We found pumpkins with the exact proportions of our heads, so we finished them off with a precise reproduction of our faces.  The resemblance is uncanny!
Happy Halloween from the Bashaws!

(Oh, and Happy Birthday to Mom Bashaw and our nephew Desmond (1st Birthday!) tomorrow!!)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Let’s be realistic/Miri’s weigh-in/Family Time (3 entries in one=3 times the fun)

Am I really expected to churn out these entries daily?  Weekly?  I think you can probably expect to get at least one from me on a monthly basis.  I just don't want to get your hopes up.  Apparently, taking care of a baby is very time consuming.  If you get more than one from me in a month, I'm probably not doing my job, and Miri is probably off sticking her fingers in a socket or watching a PG-13 movie.

Now that we got that out of the way, I wanted to report Miri's height and weight from her last check-up.  I'll try to do this least until she heads off to college.  As of Thursday, 10/14, Miri was 9lbs10oz and 21 inches tall.  So she's grown 2lbs and 2 inches since birth!  Next time I'll post this right after her appointment, rather than a week-and-a-half later (as she has probably gained another pound and inch by now!).

Finally, I wanted to report that Miri has now officially met all her grandmas, grandpas, uncles, aunts, and cousins.  A couple weekends ago, her Uncle Adam, Aunt Rochelle, and Cousin Kaden came down from Minnesota for a visit.
Prior to that, her Grandma and Grandpa Bashaw, as well as her Aunt Robin, Uncle Bobby, and Cousin Desmond all came in to visit from South Carolina and Ohio respectively.

And, prior to that, her Grandma and Grandpa Rymer came down from Wisconsin to meet their new granddaughter.

Miri has had a great time meeting her family, and looks forward to the many more visits-- partly because she thinks they are wonderful people to be around, but mostly because they keep spoiling her with presents!

Well, that concludes this month's entry.  I shared photos, I supplied stats, I complained.  You can look forward to a lot more of that.  To set low expectations, I'll say that you will not see an entry until sometime in November (but I may surprise you.  I've been known to do that.).

BOO!  (I told you.)