Thursday, June 20, 2013

The start of summer

It finally feels like summer has arrived here in Wisconsin.  Yay!  We Bashaws are looking forward to lots of fun this summer... so hopefully I will do a better job with this blog so you can all see what we're up to!  I am going to really really try to at least post a few pics every other week.

Little Emmett has finally outgrown his colic, has been successfully weaned off his reflux meds, and is sleeping better.  He's typically only up 1x/night to nurse and goes right back to bed.  I'm hoping that maybe once he's doing solids that he will sleep through the entire night, but I can definitely handle only one waking.  He is such a sweet and easygoing boy, and his smiles are incredibly contagious.  For the last 5 days or so, he's been pushing himself up onto all fours.  I am wondering how long it will be until he can crawl... I hope I still have a little time before he's mobile.  Yikes!  He's still working on being able to sit unsupported.  He is becoming more and more vocal... laughter, squeals, grunts, cooing.  He is putting his thumb into his mouth to self-soothe more and more often; thumb-sucking is probably the one thing I wish he wouldn't copy from his big sister, but there's not much I can do to stop it.  I can't believe how close the little man is to 6 months.  This first year is going so much faster with him even than it did with Miriam.  I love that he is becoming his own little person now, and I know now the second time around just how much more fun is in store as he gets older and older, but at the same time, sometimes I just want things to slow down... my baby needs to stay a baby for awhile!

Miriam is growing up so much.  Jason and I were just watching home videos lately from last summer.  At the time, we thought she was SO grown up and talked SO well... and now, she just looks and sounds like such a baby in those videos!  There seems to be nothing now she can't say... and she is usually talking a blue streak.  Sometimes my ears are tired at the end of the day!  Miri is a huge hit in the neighborhood.  There are  quite a few neighbor girls in the 8 to 11 years old range who just fawn over her and come over to play on a regular basis.  We should have no shortage of babysitters in a few years!  She loves being outside and sometimes it can be hard to get her inside without tears.  Miri just moved up to a new room in daycare; she's now in the "Big Twos."  She has 2 new teachers, Ms. Alexis and Ms. Lee, and she also has Ms. Ginger again, who was Miri's teacher back in the first half of 2012 when she was in the "Toddler 1" room.  Miriam continues to love school and her friends there, and she seems to be having a great time in her first week in her new classroom.  Somehow, this girl just gets more and more fun as she grows.

We are also extremely lucky in that our kids really really love each other.  No sibling rivalry... yet.

I will try to be more regular in updating this blog, especially with all our fun summer plans!  Someone keep me accountable!