Miriam had her 3-year appointment on September 13th (more details of her birthday will surface in an upcoming blog entry...stay tuned). She is doing great and took her shot without a single tear...tough girl! She's a nice, even 3 feet tall (so almost caught up to her mom), which is the 19th percentile for her age. And, she weighs in at 26lbs 12.8oz, which is the 11.5 %ile...definitely not the biggest girl in her class! No concerns from the doctor though...he says, "she's just petite"! Next appointment...age 4!
Miriam says always eating a well-balanced meal is partly to thank for her excellent 3-year appointment. |
Emmett had his 9-month appointment on October 4th. Mommy was testing his development and milestones all the way up to the day to fill out the questionnaire, and he's pretty much doing everything he should be by now...sitting, crawling, feeding himself finger foods, etc. Doctor just said he needs to work on his communication a bit more (like waving). But being from a dad who just happens to hold a Communications degree, I am not the least bit worried he'll be waving by senior year! Everything else checks out, and doctor says he's doing great! Not to be outdone, he also shed no tears with his shot! He measures in at 29", which is the 74th percentile! And weighs in at 17lbs 15oz...21%ile. Tall and skinny, just like his old man! Next appointment...1 Year!!
Emmett says regular exercise played a key role in stunning the doctor at his 9-month appointment. |
I can't believe how fast these kids are growing. SLOW DOWN!!!