Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Birthday Carol

I present to you a holiday tale. A tale unlike any other holiday tale. This is not of the yule log, caroling, and Tannenbaum variety. For this is a tale of three birthdays, beginning with the past.

The First of the Three Birthdays
The first birthday arrived a mere three months ago. It was Miriam's 3rd Birthday! What a big girl!!

The morning started off with one of Miri's favorite breakfasts...donuts! With hers being straight out of The frosting with sprinkles. (Mmmm...dohh-nuuuts...) Then outside to open the first present from Mommy and Daddy...a shiny, red trike. (3 months later, and our little shorty still can't reach the pedals!) After that, the Bashaws plus Gramma and G-Pa plus Gammy and Grandpa all jumped in the car and headed to the Elegant Farmer for some apple pickin'. We went on a hayride, picked whatever apples were available that early in the season, and Miri went on her first pony ride (she picked a little guy named Blackjack). We followed that up with some lunch at the farm, including our first cake of the day from Grandpa (pumpkin with cream cheese frosting...yum). Home for some quick naps. And then, what Miri had been talking about for the months leading up to her birthday...her first taste of peanut butter (in the form of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup). The peanut butter tasting was followed by many, many more presents from her grandparents, parents, brother, uncle, aunt, and cousins. A few things she got-- Cabbage Patch Kid, ballet clothes/shoes, Playdoh set, puzzles, games, clothes, Elmo puppet... Presents were followed by another one of Miri's! We ended the festivities with more cake than any 3 year old plus 6 cake-eating partygoers (E wasn't partaking) could possibly ever chocolate Elmo cake + one purple Abby Cadabby cake + a handful of Elmo cupcakes (...and did I mention we made another 2 dozen cupcakes for her school celebration?!) Why, you ask? We have no idea. But Miriam sure loved it!! And she's the Birthday Girl!
(Video under construction; Audio Missing)

The Second of the Three Birthdays
The next birthday least in our immediate our New Year's Day baby. We are less than 3 weeks away from our little guy turning ONE! What a crazy, fast...but amazing...first year we have had with Emmett. I will give him a birthday blog post as look for another birthday tale probably around St Patrick's Day (oh, we are just horrible at this blogging thing).

The Last of the Birthdays
It's mine.

"And it was always said of [Jason], that he knew how to keep [birthdays] well [through blogging], if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!"

...and curtain!

And, to continue a tradition Alli started last year, here are Miriam's answers to "the birthday quiz" this year...

1. How old are you?  I'm two

2. Who is your best friend? You (mommy)

3. What are your favorite things to do?  Swim

4. What is your favorite color?  Purple and pink

5. What is your favorite food?  pizza

6. What is your favorite toy?  Bear and Baby Sandie and my kitchen

7. What is your favorite book?  Happy Birthday Little Pookie and Madeline

8. Where are your favorite places to go?  Strawberry Festival

9. What is your favorite snack?  Fishies (goldfish crackers)

10. What is your favorite dessert?  birthday cake

11. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Bear and pink circle blanket

12. What is your favorite song/ music?  Hush Little Baby, Walking Walking Hop Hop Hop, I will wait for you (Mumford & Sons)

13. What is your favorite thing to wear?  T-shirts

14.  Trademark phrases:
  • "Can I have a treat?" (the minute she puts the last bite of dinner, or lunch, or breakfast in her mouth)
  • "Hey little brudda"
  • "I NEED TO GO PAHHH-TY!" (yelled from her room 1-2 minutes after she's in bed for the night)
  • "Emmett's MY baby!"
  • "Wanna dance with me?" (girl LOVES to dance)
  • "Can I have a bite of that?" (even if she has the same thing on her plate)
  • "Is it a Mommy Day or a School Day?"