Sunday, June 7, 2015

Thoughts on my firstborn

Last weekend, I wrote some thoughts on Emmett. Today, it is Miriam's turn.

Miri, you are such a wonderful little person to know and spend time with. It makes me feel especially lucky when I get to share some of my favorite leisure activities with you.




You are great company and a ton of fun.

You are inquisitive and intelligent. The questions you ask are so incredibly thoughtful and contemplative for a child of only 4. The way you already comprehend concepts of science, math, and language just astound me. Your sense of humor is so advanced- you understand plays on words and you understand and effectively use sarcasm. Sometimes, I am honestly a little scared by how bright you are. 

You seem so mature these days. I know that I am too hard on you at times and expect more from you than is reasonable. It's just that I honestly forget sometimes that, despite your intellect and maturity, you're still just 4. I'm sorry for that. I really try hard to apologize and admit to you when I've made a mistake (and we all know I make plenty of them). Luckily, your maturity (and your merciful nature) allows you to forgive me, every time. But I'm working on it.

Which brings me to what I love about you the most. Miri, you are such a beautiful little person. You are so kind, so caring, so compassionate. Your heart is so full of love for the people in your life. When someone you care about is sad, your empathy is palpable. You want to heal the hurts, whether they are physical or emotional. Likewise, you love to share in others' joys. Your smile truly does light up a room.

Roald Dahl wrote: "If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely." I think he was speaking of you.

You ARE a superhero.