Thursday, March 3, 2011

Super Dad!

Hello out there to anyone still occasionally checking this blog!  This is Allison writing this time!  I apologize for the very long amount of time elapsed between blog posts.  Jason & I promise to try to do better... but please note that TRY is the operative word.  Life seems to be a little busy for us!  Jason is working lots of hours at his new job, and I am enjoying my new job as (temporary) full-time stay-at-home mommy.  My new boss, Miss Miriam, is the best boss I've ever had... but she can be a little demanding.  She likes Mommy's attention to be square on her during all waking hours.  I am happy to oblige however.  :)  Wouldn't you be if you saw this little face all the time?

Anyway, I just wanted to write a little post on why Jason gets the title of Super Dad.  Jason amazes me every day with his work ethic, both at redprairie and at home.  First of all, he is working super super hard at his new job.  He puts in long hours every day and often logs on at night and on weekends to work more.  You'd think he has nothing left to give... but he gives of himself so freely to me & Miri (& Prescott too, of course).  He often uses his precious lunch breaks to run errands for us... and he's been known to come home with an outfit or two (or ten) for Miri or a new toy.  :)  Every morning before work, he helps me out by getting her medicine set up.  As always, he helps out with the household cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc.  I am so lucky to have him as a husband.  And Miri ADORES her Daddy!  Often by the time he gets home from work, she is quite tired and getting a bit crabby (yes, that precious girl can get crabby, believe it or not).  But when she sees her Daddy... big frowns turn to big smiles every time!  Jason does her bedtime routine most nights, and Miri loves this special bonding time w/ Daddy.  And on the weekends, he showers her with so much love and attention and lots of fun playtime.  She especially loves when Daddy holds her up so high and flies her around!  She also is a huge fan of story time w/ Daddy.  Last weekend, Jason spent over 30 minutes lying on his back on the floor next to Miri, reading book after book, holding them above both their heads so she could see all the pictures.  He does fabulous Sesame Street character voices, and she just loves it!  Just when you think you couldn't possibly love a man more... you see him with your daughter, and it makes you appreciate him all the more.  So hats off to my Jason, my wonderful husband, my best friend, and #1 Daddy.

Her onesie says it all!

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