Sunday, January 17, 2016

Happy 3rd birthday, Emmett!

Our little man is now THREE! It's hard to believe that my baby is no longer a baby or even a toddler, by definition! Time sure does fly when you're having fun.

Emmett's special day was a great one. Gramma and G'pa were here to celebrate with us again this year. We started the day with a Bashaw birthday tradition of donuts for breakfast.

Later in the day, Gammy and Boppa came over and joined us as well. Emmett enjoyed opening his gifts and received many cool clothes and toys. What a lucky boy!

Our birthday celebration this year was Minion themed. Per Emmett's request, we dined on salad, pizza, and breadsticks, and we enjoyed a delicious ice cream cake with Minions decoration!

Look at this boy! He loved being the center of attention and holding court. Great job blowing out your candles, buddy!

We even got some great photos of the birthday boy with his family! Pictures are not usually his favorite thing, so these are pretty special.

It was a wonderful birthday! The celebrations continued that week with another celebration at school; Emmett brought in brownies for his class which his teachers remarked were a "huge, messy hit!" (Sorry teachers!) Then the next weekend, we surprised the kids by taking them to Sesame Street Live at the Milwaukee Theatre for Emmett's special birthday outing. Both kids loved it! Emmett was so excited to see his Sesame friends in the flesh(or fur!), especially Cookie and Elmo. He was riveted the whole time. We tried to get some pictures, but little man was not feeling very paparazzi-friendly that day!

Emmett had his 3-year appointment with the pediatrician on 1/14. He's the picture of health, and his development is right on track. Emmett is 37.75 inches (57th percentile) and 30 lbs, 6 oz (35th percentile). Yay for another healthy, growing kiddo!

And without further ado, Emmett's first birthday interview!
How old are you? (proudly holds up 3 fingers)
Who is your best friend? Michael (friend from Willow Creek)
What are your favorite things to do? Read stories, eat peanut butter sandwiches, see the zoo
What is your favorite color? Yellow!
What is your favorite toy? Cars and trucks and choo-choos
What is your favorite book? "Train book" (we clarified this as The Little Engine That Could)
What is your favorite food? Peanut butter jelly sandwich
Where are your favorite places to go? To Germantown!
What is your favorite dessert? Lollipops
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Parker Bear
What is your favorite song? Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
What is your favorite thing to wear? a mask (???)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Holidays 2015

We are now in that post-holiday slump... Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year's, Emmett's and Jason's birthdays all complete (well, mostly... still a little more extended birthday celebrating to be had this weekend!). So before I get too far behind (because we all know I have a tendency to let that happen!), let's do a quick look-back at the 2015 holiday season.

To begin the holiday season, Miri (with help from Mom and Dad) did a "Random Acts of (Christmas) Kindness" for the 24 days of December leading up to Christmas. This was such a great experience. I think we all enjoyed it, and it was a way to consciously shift the holiday paradigm of gifts and consumerism to the holiday season meaning a little bit more. Some of the random acts of kindness were incredibly simple and required zero planning (i.e., give someone a compliment, smile at everyone you see, do a chore for your brother) and some required just a bit more work (leave 'happy notes' in library books for the next child who reads it, leave a box of candy on the Redbox machine for someone to enjoy with their movie, donate food to feed the needy). I intended to do a better job documenting these, but ummmm.... well..... you know. Here a few RAKs that we got photos of.
Bringing up the neighbors' garbage cans

Picking up litter in our neighborhood.

Hanukkah was 8 crazy nights of candle-lit wonder. Most years, I think the kids get gifts 5 or 6 nights, but this year, I think the kids did open something every night. Emmett really liked being involved in lighting the candles this year, and Miri's ability to say the Hebrew Hanukkah prayer is getting pretty impressive! We did our annual dinner of matzoh ball soup (okay, we know this is really more traditionally a Passover thing, but it's Jewish and it's perfect for winter... so Hanukkah soup it is!) and latkes (store-bought this year because I really hate my house smelling like them for a week afterwards!). 

The holiday program at Willow Creek, once again, did not disappoint! This year, Emmett was old enough to be in a class that puts on a performance. His teachers told us he was one of the loudest, proudest singers in his class during the practices in the weeks leading up to the show, but he seemed to get a bit of stage fright during the actual performance and spent a lot of time 'dancing' (spinning in circles) and not so much singing. I have to say though, it was nothing compared to Miri's infamous "Miley Cyrus" performance at that age, where she also got stage fright and stood there with her tongue hanging out and pulling up her dress. At any rate, Emmett pulled it together a bit more for the last of the songs, so I'll share that here.

Miri's Pre-K class put on quite the show too! Her class sang probably 8 or 9 songs, complete with props and dances and even signing! One of Miriam's AMAZING teachers, Miss Wendy, is fluent in sign language and performs with the 'Silent Singers'. Here is the performance of "Holly Jolly Christmas" in simultaneous singing and sign!

As usual, we also saw Santa at Willow Creek the night of the holiday program. We got Emmett onto his lap this year, but it did require a little bit of coaxing, which was surprising because this is the kid who loves Santa so much that he dressed up as him for Halloween! 

Christmas Eve was a busy day! We had "Rymer" Christmas at my parents' house that morning, and we really enjoyed our time with extended family. Emmett and Charlotte are as thick as thieves; those two are adorable together. They really are best buddies. Miriam continues to look up to and enjoy time with  big cousin Kaden more than words can say. Later that day, we attended mass at St. Boniface, had a yummy pasta dinner at our house with Gammy, Boppa, and Aunt Mary, and, of course, prepared for Santa!

Putting reindeer food (sparkly oats!) on the roof and lawn
Treats and milk for Santa and carrots for reindeer

A decent family photo!

Ready for Christmas!
Christmas Day was so special too! Gammy, Boppa, and Aunt Mary joined us bright and early to watch the children see their gifts from Santa. Both kids must have been good, because Santa brought Miriam got the locket, mess-free glitter kits, and yo-yo that she had requested, and he gifted Emmett with trucks and a yellow shirt for Emmett, per his request! Plus several surprise gifts and whole stockings full of all sorts of neat things. We also received so many awesome presents from family. We are 2 weeks out from Christmas, and I'm still trying to find space for all the new Christmas (and birthday) toys! Miri and Emmett are terribly lucky kids. They are really enjoying building toys, arts and crafts toys, pretend play toys, new books, etc etc. Later in the day, we spent time at Gammy and Boppa's house, and we enjoyed Christmas dinner there.

Santa filled the stockings

And left packages under the tree!

My OCD goes nuts looking at this picture!!!

New Year's Eve was a fun celebration too! Gramma and G'pa were here, which made things extra special. We enjoyed our tradition of a big "appetizer meal" with the kids and watched a kids' countdown on Netflix. Miri so desperately wanted to stay up to see the ball drop, as she'd heard her teachers talking about it, so we found a YouTube video of last year's Times Square ball drop. Talk about a major disappointment! I thought her little heart was broken. I remember the same disillusionment the first time I watched it too, as a kid. It sounds so much more exciting than it is! But then the kids were off to bed, and we enjoyed a fun evening of board games, more snacks, wine, and prosecco with Jason's parents and my parents. Jason and I are both so lucky in the parents department, and we feel even luckier that our parents really enjoy each other too! It is always really fun to get the 6 of us together. Here's a selfie stick shot!

My 'focus word' (I prefer this to 'resolutions') for 2016 is PRESENCE. It can be so hard to not be living in the past or the future, but I'm always striving for living in the present, being present, and being mindful. That being said, it's time to stop reminiscing over the (wonderful) 2015 holiday season... and time to start making dinner. (hee hee)

Emmett's 3rd birthday blog coming up fairly soon!