Sunday, January 17, 2016

Happy 3rd birthday, Emmett!

Our little man is now THREE! It's hard to believe that my baby is no longer a baby or even a toddler, by definition! Time sure does fly when you're having fun.

Emmett's special day was a great one. Gramma and G'pa were here to celebrate with us again this year. We started the day with a Bashaw birthday tradition of donuts for breakfast.

Later in the day, Gammy and Boppa came over and joined us as well. Emmett enjoyed opening his gifts and received many cool clothes and toys. What a lucky boy!

Our birthday celebration this year was Minion themed. Per Emmett's request, we dined on salad, pizza, and breadsticks, and we enjoyed a delicious ice cream cake with Minions decoration!

Look at this boy! He loved being the center of attention and holding court. Great job blowing out your candles, buddy!

We even got some great photos of the birthday boy with his family! Pictures are not usually his favorite thing, so these are pretty special.

It was a wonderful birthday! The celebrations continued that week with another celebration at school; Emmett brought in brownies for his class which his teachers remarked were a "huge, messy hit!" (Sorry teachers!) Then the next weekend, we surprised the kids by taking them to Sesame Street Live at the Milwaukee Theatre for Emmett's special birthday outing. Both kids loved it! Emmett was so excited to see his Sesame friends in the flesh(or fur!), especially Cookie and Elmo. He was riveted the whole time. We tried to get some pictures, but little man was not feeling very paparazzi-friendly that day!

Emmett had his 3-year appointment with the pediatrician on 1/14. He's the picture of health, and his development is right on track. Emmett is 37.75 inches (57th percentile) and 30 lbs, 6 oz (35th percentile). Yay for another healthy, growing kiddo!

And without further ado, Emmett's first birthday interview!
How old are you? (proudly holds up 3 fingers)
Who is your best friend? Michael (friend from Willow Creek)
What are your favorite things to do? Read stories, eat peanut butter sandwiches, see the zoo
What is your favorite color? Yellow!
What is your favorite toy? Cars and trucks and choo-choos
What is your favorite book? "Train book" (we clarified this as The Little Engine That Could)
What is your favorite food? Peanut butter jelly sandwich
Where are your favorite places to go? To Germantown!
What is your favorite dessert? Lollipops
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Parker Bear
What is your favorite song? Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
What is your favorite thing to wear? a mask (???)

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