Miriam Aislinn was born on September 8th at 9:23 in the morning. She was 7lbs 9.5oz and 19in long. Miri is a beautiful redhead with big, chubby cheeks. Only time will tell, but right now it looks like she has her mommy's (button) nose and her daddy's (squinty) eyes.
Mommy and Daddy are extremely happy right now. A little sleep-deprived. But very, very happy. The last few days have been a whirlwind. Allison has been quite the trooper, and is/will be a wonderful mom. She tells me I'll be a wonderful dad as well (I think the fact that I've already changed a number of poopy diapers helped her come to that conclusion). Right now we're both eager to get home and start being a family.
Gome home day is TODAY!!! YAY! Then we're on our own...
Enjoy Miri's homecoming. I agree that Alli and you are a wonderful Mommy and Daddy. Dad and I send love, hugs and kisses to all of you (Pres, too).
ReplyDeleteNot sure how I missed this posting. I love sweet little Miri and her wonderful parents. She is so lucky to have you two for parents!